Friday, 23 April 2010

May '10 Special Offer - 50% off WORKS.

Time has finally caught up with me and today is the last day that I will be in the UK office for a week, as next week I’ll be flying out to Las Vegas for the Revelation Conference.

I say that time has caught up with me as I’ll be coming back to the May Special offer – a whopping 50% off of new OI WORKS subscription purchases (I confirmed my first new client WORKS purchase on the offer overnight :) ) for the duration of May 2010 – and I am still only half way through producing the OpenInsight Quick Start guide video tutorial series. However, two more lessons have been completed and published this week and I have more planned following the conference, so that makes 12 lessons published thus far.

So, if you are an OpenInsight developer who is still not on the WORKS program or if you are still considering whether to adopt OpenInsight as another tool in your arsenal of application development tools, then now is the perfect time to pull down the OpenInsight evaluation, run through my tutorials and get ready to take advantage of the WORKS offer over the next 5 weeks.

I’ll be back in Blighty a week Monday.

Monday, 19 April 2010

OERun - Did you know . . .

That OERun is an executable that provides command line access to the OpenEngine. OERun utilises the OpenEngineServer technology and for this reason the OpenEngineServer needs to be running to access OERUN.


OERUN -a <appname> -u <username> -p <password> -c <commandString>
{-l <location of OpenEngine>}
{-e <engineserverURL>}
{-n <engineserverPort>}
{-r <routineName>}
{-s <engineName>}
{-f <startupFlags>}
{-d <shutdownFlags>}

For Example:
The following example will execute the GET_SYSINFO command within SYSPROG and return the results to the command line.


Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Support for Vista

Just in case anyone is sleeping, Microsoft have finally dropped support for the Vista operating systems, support for XP continues for a short time.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

The No SQL movement.

Computer World UK have published a rather interesting article for all of us operating in the none SQL world. The full article can be accessed from the link above and it might be useful when talking to management and prospects about your OpenInsight based systems.

Also, a few of you have recently contacted me with regards to the video tutorials. It is good to hear that some of you are finding them useful and I do have plans for more. The first set of lessons were pretty much planned before I started and I’m now planning the next few lessons around building myself a new OpenInsight application :).

Once this short month is over and the conference is behind me, I’ll get back into producing the next lessons.

In the meantime, thanks for your patience.


Tuesday, 6 April 2010

OpenInsight 9.2 beta

The OpenInsight 9.2 beta software was officially released over the weekend. You should have received an email about the released direct from RevUS yesterday (Monday 5th April) if you are a WORKS member and you had previously registered an interest in being included on the beta program.

I have been impressed with the 9.2 Alpha that I have been working with for a few weeks and I am looking forward to a successful beta cycle for this new version of OpenInsight.

Thank you to everyone who will be taking the time to run through the new version, it’s new features and to report any issues through the beta bug tracker on