Tuesday 13 January 2009

Alternative OI9.0 Upgrade download site

Owing to a high level of interest in the OpenInsight 9.0 release resulting in an unusually high load on http://www.revelation.com/ and a large number of people current downloading the 9.0 upgrade, Revelation have received reports that in some overseas locations the download time is unacceptable.

I am pleased to say that with Sprezzatura’s help and the kind permission of one of their clients, we now have a fast download option for people in the EMEA region. Testing shows downloads of the upgrade file to be less that two minutes.

Please click here to go straight to the local download.

Don't forget that you will still need to request an installation key from Revelation through the usual method - Go to the OI9.0 upgrade page on the US web site and submit the form. It is now automated, so you should get your installation key within a few minutes of submitting the form.

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