Wednesday 16 December 2009 – rebuild

As many of you know, I will be ‘officially’ finishing up on Friday for the seasonal holiday and I do not plan to be back at my desk until Monday 4th January. However, I will be monitoring email throughout this period and I can be reached as usual on my mobile during UK office hours.

However, it will not all be leisure, mince pies and the odd bottle of beer. During the holiday period I am planning on rebuilding the RevSoft UK web site. The look will remain similar, but the content will be greatly changed in order to be more W3C compliant, optimised for the search engines and to be much more standards based.

I have some analytical software running on the site and this shall be consulted when deciding what goes and what stays. There have been a number of areas that our VARs had requested, but which get few or no hits. In addition, much of the developers area content is now readily available in the OI help files (error codes), the WORKS CD and elsewhere. On the flip side, some areas gain a lot of hits and could benefit from being more concise or informative.

This posting is therefore to ask any of you that want specific areas of the site to stay, to make your requests know to me over the next few days. There will obviously be an opportunity to add back content at a later date, but I’d like to include anything that you need in the first draft if at all possible.



  1. Martyn - more and more sucessful web sites have video to grab interest and personalize. My suggestion would be a short video by Mike explaining the advantages to using Revelation Products and guide the user to areas of interest on the site.

  2. Gary - Thank you for your comment. Video is something that I have been experimenting with recently and I have a number of projects in the pipeline. They take time, but I'll be adding them to the site as I go along.

    The first will be an intro one on the home page, very short, no sound but impactful. I then have plans for an OI overview, similar to the OI Demo one that I have but much more refined and modern looking. Then I'll be into taking the intro tutorial to video, then . . .

