Thursday 9 September 2010

Wicked new features for OI 9.2.1

Ten minutes online with Mike and I’m already excited about some of the new features coming in 9.2.1 in a few weeks time. These new features are developments that have come specifically from OpenInsight developers and users who have attended Revelation RoadShows over the last few months, especially the Australasian gigs last week and no doubt more will come following the Houston Roadshow next week.

In addition to the O4W enhancements and new features that Revelation have just announced in their email newsletter and which I’ll be covering in the blog over the next couple of days, Mike has shown me enhancements to the System Editor, QBF and a brand new Version Control Module.

The System Editor enables you to click on a field in a record and see all of the key field information at the bottom of the System Editor’s IDE. Plus, you can now search for $Inserts within programs – extremely useful for those long programs where the inserts are spread throughout the program.

QBF has been enhanced to include TCL statements - remember that TCL now remembers your TCL List statements so that they can easily be run again and again. You can also save the statements and pick them from the recent used list, or your own library of saved statements.

The Version Control Module is just awesome and Revelation have done their homework and built in all of the best bits from version control modules in numerous other products. This includes the ability to create modules (for example an email module that includes windows, programs, etc.), assign versions to those modules and compare source code between programs. The system will colour changes for you for easy identification. Plus, you can select modules in the RDK to make deployment even easier.

These new features were being worked on whilst Mike was showing them to me and for this reason I do not yet have screen shots, nor the ability to put together some teaser videos. However, I will be writing some blog articles over the weekend with a few more details about these new features – so watch for those throughout next week.

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